function floatgui(callbackarg) %FLOATGUI Show structure of floating point numbers. % The set of positive model floating point numbers is determined % by three parameters: t, emin, and emax. It is the set of rational % numbers of the form x = (1+f)*2^e where f = (integer)/2^t, % 0 <= f < 1, e = integer, and emin <= e <= emax. % % IEEE 754 double precision has t = 52, emin = -1022, emax = 1023. % Copyright 2014 Cleve Moler % Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc. % Initialize parameters if nargin == 0 t = 3; emin = -4; emax = 2; logscale = 0; Fpos=[50 300 900 250]; else t = round(get(findobj('tag','t'),'value')); emin = round(get(findobj('tag','emin'),'value')); emax = round(get(findobj('tag','emax'),'value')); logscale = get(findobj('style','check'),'value'); Fpos=get(gcf,'pos'); end % Position figure window shg clf reset set(gcf,'pos',Fpos,'name','floatgui', ... 'resize','on','defaultuicontrolunits','normalized',... 'numbertitle','off','menubar','none') % Generate and plot floating point numbers f = (0:2^t-1)/2^t; F = []; for e = emin:emax F = [F (1+f)*2^e]; end for x = F text(x,0,'|','fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.3) end % Set axes set(gca,'pos',[.05 .6 .9 .2],'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.22) if logscale set(gca,'xscale','log') xmin = 1/2^(-emin+.5); xmax = 2^(emax+1.5); else set(gca,'xscale','linear') xmin = 0; xmax = 2^(emax+1); end axis([xmin xmax -1 1]) % Set tick marks fmin = min(F); fmax = max(F); xtick = 1; xticklab = {'1'}; if fmin < 1 xtick = [1/2 xtick]; xticklab = ['1/2' xticklab]; end if logscale & (fmin < 1/4) xtick = [1/4 xtick]; xticklab = ['1/4' xticklab]; end if fmin < 1/2 xtick = [fmin xtick]; xticklab = [['1/' int2str(1/fmin)] xticklab]; end if 2 < fmax xtick = [xtick 2]; xticklab = [xticklab '2']; end if 4 < fmax xtick = [xtick 4]; xticklab = [xticklab '4']; end if max(xtick) < fmax xtick = [xtick fmax]; if fmax == round(fmax) fmaxlab = int2str(fmax); else over = 2^(emax+1); fmaxlab = [int2str(over) '-1/' int2str(1/(over-fmax))]; end xticklab = [xticklab fmaxlab]; end set(gca,'xtick',xtick,'xticklabel',xticklab,'xminortick','off','ytick',[]) % Create uicontrols uicontrol('style','slider','tag','emin','value',emin, ... 'min',-8,'max',0,... 'pos',[0.15 0.26 0.13 0.07],'sliderstep',[1/8 1/8], ... 'callback','floatgui(1)'); uicontrol('style','slider','tag','t','value',t, ... 'min',0,'max',8,... 'pos',[0.435 0.26 0.13 0.07],'sliderstep',[1/8 1/8], ... 'callback','floatgui(1)'); uicontrol('style','slider','tag','emax','value',emax, ... 'min',0,'max',8,... 'pos',[0.72 0.26 0.13 0.07],'sliderstep',[1/8 1/8], ... 'callback','floatgui(1)'); uicontrol('style','text','string',['emin = ' int2str(emin)], ... 'pos',[0.15 0.35 0.13 0.07],'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.7) uicontrol('style','text','string',['t = ' int2str(t)], ... 'pos',[0.435 0.35 0.13 0.07],'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.7) uicontrol('style','text','string',['emax = ' int2str(emax)], ... 'pos',[0.72 0.35 0.13 0.07],'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.7) uicontrol('style','check','string','log scale','value',logscale, ... 'pos',[0.435 0.15 0.13 0.07],'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.7, ... 'callback','floatgui(1)'); uicontrol('style','push','pos',[0.88 0.1 0.07 0.07], ... 'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.7, ... 'string','close','callback','close(gcf)') % eps if fmax > 1 eps = 2^(-t); text(1,0,'|','color','r','fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.3) text(1+eps,0,'|','color','r','fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.3) if eps < 1 text(1.0,1.5,['eps = 1/' int2str(1/eps)], ... 'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.3,'fontweight','bold') else text(1.0,1.5,'eps = 1', 'fontunits','normalized','fontsize',0.3,'fontweight','bold') end end % Number of numbers % Exercise: % How many "floating point" numbers are in the set? % Complete this statement. % text(.9*xmax,2,num2str(???)